The university’s official, formal name is “Missouri University of Science and Technology.” This name should be used on first reference in all formal, official communication and marketing materials.
Note that the “and” is spelled out. Do not substitute the ampersand (&).
For headlines, photo captions and other tight spots, shorter is always better. Thus, “Missouri S&T” is preferred.
For headlines, when space is tight, use “S&T” but not “MS&T,” “MST” or similar abbreviations.
For news releases and other official written materials, use “Missouri University of Science and Technology” on first reference and “Missouri S&T” on second and subsequent references. On occasion, “S&T” may be used on subsequent references to add variety to your writing.
When writing to audiences familiar with the campus — such as alumni or students — “Missouri S&T” is acceptable in all references. “S&T” may be used on second and subsequent references.
For forms on computerized applications, such as Peoplesoft or other applications where the number of characters is limited, use “MO S&T” if six character spaces are permitted. Note the space between “MO” and “S&T.” The spacing is important to avoid confusion with the acronym “MOST.” If five or fewer spaces are permitted, “MST” is acceptable.
As a general rule, do not use “MUST,” “MS&T,” “MO S&T” or “MST,” except for forms on computerized applications, as explained above. Also, it is acceptable to use “mst,” in lowercase, when referring to official Missouri S&T web and email addresses. (See internet terms.)
Other than Missouri S&T, write the complete name: “University of Missouri-Columbia” (not “Missouri University” or “University of Missouri”), “University of Missouri- Kansas City” and “University of Missouri- St. Louis.” On second and subsequent references, the following rules apply:
General tips that serve as a basis for our writing style guide
Capitalization, formatting and abbreviation guidelines for academic programs and titles
Capitalization and abbreviations campus buildings and landmarks
Guidelines, terminology and abbreviations for the Kummer Missouri S&T Foundation
Common misspellings, incorrect abbreviations, and proper use of terms
When and how to write the formal university name and other forms
Writing language involving age, race, sex, disabilities and religion
Tips for writing effective and engaging headlines for publications and websites