The Kummer Institute was established in 2020 through a gift of $300 million from benefactors June and Fred Kummer. The Kummer Institute creates broad STEM outreach and engagement to and with K-12 communities, supports student success and growth at S&T, elevates the university as an educational and research institution, and drives economic development regionally, statewide and beyond.

Kummer College of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development

  • Uses an oxford comma.

Kummer Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctoral Fellows

  • Kummer Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) Doctoral Fellows on first reference and then Kummer I&E Doctoral Fellows, Kummer I&E Fellows or Kummer Fellows on the second reference.
  • The URL is

Kummer Institute for Student Success, Research and Economic Development

  • Kummer Institute is the approved short name.
  • If only referring to the Kummer Institute as “institute” the “i” is lowercase.

Kummer Missouri S&T Foundation Board

Kummer Vanguard Scholars

  • Kummer Vanguard Scholars on the first reference, Kummer Scholars on the second reference.
  • The URL is

Manufacture Missouri Ecosystem

  • Use MME or the ecosystem on second reference.

Manufacturing Technology and Innovation Campus

  • Manufacturing Technology and Innovation Campus on the first reference and innovation campus is used as a descriptor.

Missouri Protoplex®

  • Use registration mark on the first instance of “Missouri Protoplex.” Not needed for second reference or when only using “Protoplex.”
