Universities and their academic programs present all kinds of writing challenges. Here are some guidelines pertaining to academic programs and titles:

Academic colleges and divisions

Capitalize all colleges, divisions, centers, laboratories, institutes and ROTC programs when using the full, proper name. “The college,” “the center,” “the division,” “the

institute,” etc., is acceptable on second and subsequent reference, but should not be capitalized. The same rule applies for “university” and “system.” In news releases, the informal departmental or divisional name (“electrical and computer engineering department” instead of “department of electrical and computer engineering,” or “marketing and communications department” instead of “Department of Marketing and Communications”) is preferred.

Offices are usually lowercase (“chancellor’s office” instead of “Chancellor’s Office” or “Office of the Chancellor”).

Centers and institutes are capitalized when the full name is used (“Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies,” “Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies,” etc.).

“Air Force ROTC” and “Army ROTC” are the preferred references for these academic programs. “ROTC” is acceptable in all references. Do not spell out “Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.”

Our colleges

Missouri S&T colleges are as follows:

  • College of Engineering and Computing. The CEC abbreviation is appropriate on second and subsequent reference.
  • College of Arts, Sciences, and Education. The CASE abbreviation is appropriate on second and subsequent reference.
  • Kummer College of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development. The Kummer College abbreviation is appropriate on second and subsequent reference. The abbreviated version may be used on first reference for internal audiences only.

Capitalize the full names of colleges when using the full, proper name. On second and subsequent reference, use “the college” or the corresponding abbreviation.

Note the use of the serial (Oxford) comma in the full names of CASE and the Kummer College. This is an exception to S&T and AP style conventions.

Academic degrees

When spelled out or abbreviated, degree types are capitalized. In most cases, avoid abbreviations and instead use a phrase such as: “the student was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering” or “John Jones, who earned a Master of Science degree in civil engineering.”

In body copy, “bachelor’s degree,” “master’s degree,” etc. are preferred and are not capitalized.

  • For news releases, use such abbreviations as B.S., M.S., Ph.D. and D.Eng. only when the need to identify many individuals by degree on first reference would make the preferred form cumbersome. Use these abbreviations only after a full name — never after just a last name.
  • For alumni-focused publications (Missouri S&T Magazine, the OGS Shillelagh and departmental newsletters) the preferred form for academic degrees is the abbreviation of the department (see chart, at right) followed by an apostrophe and the two-digit abbreviation of the year of graduation. For example, write: The Havener Center is named for Texas entrepreneur Gary Havener, Math’62. When referring to alumni who graduated over a century ago, the abbreviation of the department is followed by the entire four-digit year (no apostrophe) to avoid confusion. For example, write: Daniel C. Jackling, MetE 1892.

When used after a name, degree abbreviations are set off by commas: “Fred Kummer, CE’55, founded HBE Corp.”

When an alumnus has earned more than one degree, list abbreviations in chronological order with the primary degree first. Additional degrees are separated by commas: “Suzanna Long, Hist’84, Phys’84, MS EMgt’04, PhD EMgt’07, was named S&T’s 2016 Woman of the Year.”

To avoid redundancy, do not precede a name with a courtesy title for an academic degree and follow it with the abbreviation for the degree in the same reference:

  • Incorrect: “Dr. Sam Jones, Ph.D.”
  • Correct: “Dr. Sam Jones, a chemist.”

Do not precede the name of a professor with both the title “Dr.” and “professor.” Use one or the other, but not both.

  • Incorrect: “Speakers included Missouri S&T Curators’ Distinguished Professor Dr. Gregory Hilmas.”
  • Correct: “Speakers included Missouri S&T Curators’ Distinguished Professor Gregory Hilmas.”
  • Correct: “Dr. Gregory Hilmas, Curators’ Distinguished Professor of ceramic engineering, spoke.”

When in doubt about the proper abbreviation for a degree, follow the first listing in Webster’s New World College Dictionary.

Academic degrees, abbreviations

For alumni-focused writing such as Missouri S&T Magazine, The OGS Shillelagh and departmental newsletters, the abbreviations of academic degrees at right are used to identify an alumna or alumnus.

Degree Abbreviation
aerospace engineering AE
applied and environmental biology AEBio
applied mathematics AMth
architectural engineering ArchE
biological sciences BSci (LSci for graduates before 1998)
biomaterials BMat
biomedical engineering  
business and management systems Bus (MgtSys for graduates before 2001), MBA
ceramic engineering CerE
chemical engineering ChE
chemistry Chem
civil engineering CE
computer engineering CpE
computer science CSci
earth sciences Earth
economics Econ
education Education 
electrical engineering EE
engineering mechanics EMch
engineering management EMgt
English and technical communication Engl
environmental engineering EnvE
environmental science EnvS
explosives engineering ExpE
geological engineering GeoE
geology and geophysics GGph
geotechnics Gtech
interdisciplinary engineering IDE
history Hist
industrial-organizational psychology IOPsyc
information science and technology IST
life sciences LSci (BSci for graduates after 1998)
manufacturing engineering MfgE
materials science and engineering MSE
mathematics Math
mechanical engineering ME
metallurgical engineering MetE
mining engineering MinE
multidisciplinary studies Mult
nuclear engineering and radiation science NucE
petroleum engineering PetE
philosophy Phil
physics Phys
psychology Psyc
systems engineering SysEng
technical communication TComm

Department abbreviations

Department name Abbreviation/shorthand
academic support  
accounting and fiscal services accounting
Advanced Materials Characterization Laboratory  
advising center  
aerospace studies Air Force ROTC, AFROTC
Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory  
Applied Language Institute  
Applied Microwave Non-destructive Testing Laboratory  
Applied Optics Laboratory  
arts, languages and philosophy ALP
biological sciences  
business and information technology BIT
care management  
career opportunities and employer relations COER
cashiers and student loans cashiers
Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence CAFE
Clayco Advanced Construction and Materials Laboratory ACML
creative services  
custodial services  
design construction and space management  
development records records
development research research
distance education  
diversity, equity and inclusion DEI
earth sciences and engineering ESE
economics economics
electrical and computer engineering ECE, electrical engineering, computer engineering
Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory EMC
Electronic Materials Applied Research Center EMARC
Energy Research and Development Center ERDC
engineering management and systems engineering EMSE, engineering management, systems engineering
English and technical communication English, technical communication
enrollment management  
environmental health and safety EHS
Environmental Research Center ERC
Environmental Research Center for Emerging Contaminants ERCEC
equity and Title IX  
facilities operations and energy  
fiscal management  
Global Engineering Program  
graduate and international admissions  
graduate education  
High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory  
history and political science  
human resources HR
information technology IT
institutional research and data management institutional research
Intelligent Systems Center ISC
international affairs IA
Kummer Institute Center for Advanced Manufacturing  
Kummer Institute Center for Advanced and Resilient Infrastructure  
Kummer Institute Center for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems  
Kummer Institute Center for Resource Sustainability  
Kummer Center for STEM Education  
Kummer College of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development Kummer College
Kummer Institute for Student Success, Research and Economic Development Kummer Institute
Kummer Institute Foundation Board  
landscape services  
Leach Theatre  
library and learning resources, Curtis Laws Wilson Library library
Linda and Bipin Doshi Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Doshi Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
marketing and communications  
Materials Research Center (also known as the Graduate Center for Materials Research) MRC
materials science and engineering MSE
mathematics and statistics math
mechanical and aerospace engineering MAE, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering
military science Army ROTC
Miner Alumni Association alumni association, MAA
Miner phonathon phonathon
mining and explosives engineering MEE, mining engineering, explosives engineering
Missouri Local Training and Resource Center MLTRC
new student programs   
nuclear engineering and radiation science NERS, nuclear engineering
O'Keefe Center for Critical Minerals   
parking lot operations parking
Kent D. Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center PSMRC
physical facilities   
printing and mail services printing services
Project Lead The Way (note the capitalization of “the”) PLTW
provost’s office   
psychological science   
recruitment marketing and enrollment development   
residential life   
Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center RMERC, Rock Mechanics
South-Central Regional Professional Development Center RPDC
sponsored programs   
strategic communications   
Student Success   
Student accessibility and testing Testing Center
Student Design and Experiential Learning Center SDELC, Student Design Center, Kummer Student Design Center
student diversity initiatives SDI
student financial assistance   
student health services student health
student involvement   
student recreation student rec
Student Veterans Resource Center   
student well-being   
technology transfer and economic development TTED
The S&T Store   
undergraduate advising   
University Advancement  
University Police  
